Friday, 17 February 2017

Multiplication Battleships

Today in class, we played an awesome game called Multiplication Battleships! We each had to find a partner and build a barrier so they could not see our work. We had to draw three ships onto our squared bit of paper (all different sizes). Our partner then had to call out the grid references and we had to multiply the numbers together, write the answer in the square and yell out 'hit' or 'miss'. If they hit our boat, they would mark their sheet with a red pen and if they missed, they would mark it with a blue pen so that they could keep track of which numbers they had called out. The winner was the person that sunk all of their partner's boats first. This game was really fun and we hope we can play it again!


  1. I loved this game! I actually found it quite challenging to sink the boats but that didn't matter at all because I had so much fun!!!

  2. Til his game was so much fun it also helped with times tables

  3. It was really fun to play this math game! it was a great way to improve my times tables!

  4. It is a wonderful way to practice your maths (Hiba's Mum)

  5. so cool! zoe here, awesome and fun way to improve maths!

  6. This was so fun I would be glad to do this again!
