Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Face weaving

Miss Bateman took a photo of us and gave us two copies of our photo - one in black and white and one in colour. We had to follow her instructions really carefully and measure strips that were 3cm wide. The black and white picture had vertical strips and the coloured picture had horizontal strips. Once our strips were cut, we had to weave them together going over, under, over, under until all of the strips were woven together. Our last step was to carefully turn our pictures over and tape the back (so the strips of paper don't move). Here is an example of the finished result - don't they look awesome? If you want to see the rest, they are on display on our classroom wall!


  1. Those are amazing! I just can't believe how awesome these turned out!

  2. Very creative self portraits, they look great up in the classroom.
    Beth (Ruby's mum)

  3. whoa, such a creative way to display art:p

  4. Ange - Kaia's Mum2 March 2017 at 22:57

    Nice face weaving project room 11!

  5. when I first weaved it looked bad but then Mr Rone (the expert weaver) came and made me look like me
