Thursday, 16 February 2017

Goal Setting

We watched the 'Kid President's Guide to being more awesome' on YouTube and discussed ways that we can be more awesome this year. We then came up with some goals for the year that we hope to achieve. We designed our own set of 'wings' to display our goals, along with the quote "You never know how far you can fly until you spread your wings" this means that we will never know how good we can be at something until we have a go and try our best. We will be spreading our wings and flying high this year in Room 11!


  1. These are fantastic! Love all the goals for 2017. I'm sure you will all have an awesome year achieving new and exciting things!
    Michelle (Ethan's mum)

  2. I remember how much effort we put in those goal setting wings! Each one of them are so creative!

  3. Those goal setting wings were fun to do I'm so happy to be in room 11

  4. Fantastic Goal Setting Room 11, you have an exciting year ahead working towards these!
    I love the detailed wing designs and individual ideas.
    Ka Pai Beth (Ruby's mum)

  5. Wow! They all look very cool. I love all the cool types of wings that you have drawn.

  6. All of these beautiful and unique wings look completely wonderful and i hope all of us will be able to fulfill our goals!

  7. Big wings, big achievements! Good luck for the rest of the year Rm 11! (Hiba's Mum)

  8. I hope i work hard on my goals

  9. Am I doing my goals correcly?

  10. WOW!
    I think all the wings look great.
    I'm pretty sure I'm achiving them. :)
