Thursday, 9 March 2017


This year Rm11 has been learning about fairytales. First of all we read the Three Little Pigs and then adapted the story to create our own version. We changed the characters and the setting, but we had to keep the plot the same. After that fairytale we did one about Cinderella. Each group read different versions of Cinderella from different countries around the world and shared our ideas back to the class. The next thing we did was brainstormed our own ideas for a NZ version of Cinderella. Once we had planned our ideas, we started to write our own story about Cinderella. Again, we changed the characters and setting but kept the plot (storyline) the same. Here is a picture of our shared writing that we did as a class and some children working hard on their writing. We will share our finished stories with you soon. By Nuri and William


  1. I loved writing our own kiwiana version of Cinderella. It was super cool to write our own classic tale!

  2. hey! rm 11 should make a play about the nz cinderella by combining all your ideas together and show the whole school a special performance!
