Friday, 31 March 2017
We have been learning about different forces around us. We were lucky enough to be able to do some bowling in our school hall. The aim was to bowl our ball so that it was the closest to the white ball (the Jack). The first time we bowled our ball, some of us used too much force and they rolled right off the mat! We then adapted our technique to see if we could get closer. We worked out that the ball was going in a curve. Our teacher explained that one side of the ball was weighted to make it curve (this side is called the bias). Ethan, William and Jacqueline were our overall class 'winners' as they were able to get the closest to the Jack. Can you name all of the other forces that were in action?
Our favourite lines from our Individual poems - Get NZ Writing Competition
Here is a sneak peak of our favourite lines from our individual poems. You can check out the full versions of our poems next time you pop into Room 11 :)
Room 11 Metaphor Poem - Get NZ Writing
Here is our class poem, which we did together for the 'Get NZ Writing' competition. We read an example of an 'I am' poem that we were sent. We discussed all of the exciting language features like metaphors and alliteration. Using the questions to guide us, we came up with some ideas of our own.
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Beach Series
Every Tuesday in summer me and my family go down to Takapuna beach to do beach series. Me and my sister do the run, we run to the end of Takapuna beach and back. It’s very tiring but I manage to do it every week. My high score is 12 minutes and 48 seconds . It's a very cool event because they give out prizes and sometimes we get to dress up and run. I came second out of 9 to 10 year old girls so last night I went to the prize giving at Frank's bar . When they said “Ruby Railton” I proudly walked up to the front. I was very happy to get a medal.
By Ruby
Boat Race Day
Our boats are all finished and today we tested them in the school pool to see which one would reach the other side first! The lucky winners were Te Awerangi, Samantha and Ruby's boats. Some of the boats got filled up with water and sank - it was also really funny trying to reach some of the ones that were just staying floating in the middle of the pool! We think our boats all look awesome and we had a lot of fun!
Monday, 27 March 2017
Boat building
Our student teacher Mr Rone has to do a 'passion inquiry' for his university work. He has chosen to 'make boats' with Room 11. Last week we had a big discussion about the different parts of a boat and how they work. We then thought about different materials that we could bring in from home to make our own boats. We sketched our designs (in groups) and wrote a list of the materials that we needed to bring in. Today we started making our boats - here are some progress pictures so far! Next week, we will add the final touches and then race our boats in the school pool! We wonder which design will win...

Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Get NZ Writing
Our class participated in a national competition called Get NZ Writing! This is a pen-pal type writing activity run by Warehouse Stationary and School Kit. Over 3000 classes participated! We got sent some writing activities to do, then we had to create a whole class 'poster' and an individual postcard. These got sent to a school in Mosgiel, Dunedin. We then waited patiently for our gift to arrive. Here is us opening and reading our postcards from Room 6, St Mary's School in Mosgiel, Dunedin.
Monday, 20 March 2017
GET NZ WRITING - our creations!
Here are the awesome postcards that we created for the Get NZ Writing competition. We did lots of work around writing metaphors, then we had to pick our favourite and publish it on a postcard. Once we assembled them together, they created this great big message. Here is also a picture of our poster that we created to send to our 'pen-pal' school.
Friday, 10 March 2017
Magic Squares - we have some winners!
Allan and Daniel are the first two children to complete one of the 'magic squares' - well done boys :)
Check out Joseph's Drive Time Project
Joseph has been working hard to create a house made out of cardboard. He is now up to the painting stage - great work :)
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Sewing club
Check out the girls that are doing sewing for their Drive Time projects - they have done a fantastic job learning new skills so far!
Our Class Assembly
Room 11 and Room 16 were in charge of organising our class assembly last Friday. Our topic was about saving the world by reducing, reusing and recycling. NZ has a new plan to recycle soft plastics - you can drop your soft plastic recycling off to the soft plastic recycling bins by the Warehouse or supermarkets. If we recycle our soft plastics, it means that this rubbish is not going to the landfill (a hole in the ground). These soft plastics are then made into new things like park benches, garden products and playground equipment.
In our assembly we had to read out loud sentences that we had been practicing for a week. We also did a skit and sang a few songs. Everyone that was watching really liked it...
By Maile and Seongwon
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